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 PDF Files: 252 Vaishnav Varta (English) ( 70 files)

Varta No. 84 - The Virakta Bhakta (Hits: 635 Rating: 10 Votes: 1)
He is a tamas bhakta and is Ratnani in the lila. In this world, he was born in Mathura to Brahmin Vaishnava -parents and was renounced from childhood. His parents brought him to Shri Gusainji for initiation. Later when...

Varta No. 83 - Kshatrani from the East (Hits: 224 Rating: 5 Votes: 1)
She is a rajas bhakta. Her name in the lila is Angana and she is a friend of Yashoda. Angana has maternal affection for Shri Krishna and mother Yashoda is always delighted by her...

Varta No. 82 - Godiya Brahmin (Hits: 163)
He is a satvik bhakta and his name in the lila is Morasiri...

Varta No. 81 - Param Vaishnav (Hits: 187 Rating: 10 Votes: 1)
He is a rajas bhakta and his Gopi name is Bhavodvodhika. She increases lila bhava. On this earth, Param Vaishnava was born to Brahmin parents in Gujarat....

Varta No. 80 - Two Kunabis (Hits: 110)
They are Satvika bhaktas and their names in the lila are Pratima and Manoharini...

Varta No. 79 - Gopinath Gvala (Hits: 120)
he is a tamas bhakta and his name in the lila is govardhan. he is nanda baba's main cowlad and is favored by shri krishna. in this world he was born in gopalpura...

Varta No. 78 - A Brahmin by Ganga (Hits: 113)
He is a rajas bhakta and his name in the lila is Bichiya. Her sakhi, Ramkatori, became his wife in this world. They were born to Brahmin parents and married when they were ten and...

Varta No. 77 - Another Kunabi (Hits: 93)
he is a satvik bhakta and his name in the lila is [c]harugopa. kunabi is a very simple and straightforward man. in the lila, he lives with krishna's cows. shri krishna adores...

Varta No. 76 - Poor Kunabi (Hits: 105 Rating: 10 Votes: 1)
kunabi is a tamas bhakta. his name in the lila is badami and she is the bhava form of shri krishna's parrot. whenever shri krishna sees a parrot, it reminds him of shri svamini's nose....

varta no. 75 - birbal's daughter (Hits: 209)
She is a satvika bhakta. Her name in the lila is Rasikapriya. She is intimate and very beloved to Shri Krishna...

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