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 Nav-villas Episode 8A (Radha Krishna Milan)
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Mover & Shaker Member

398 Posts
Posted - 30 November 2004 :  03:15:24
Episode 8A (Radha Krishna's First Milan)

Tab Shree Krishna Kahi, "Ari Vishakha tum badi anit kahat ho, jo thorishi baat ke liye sapin ke mukhmay haath dharavat ho."

Shree Krishna said, "Vishakha you are not being reasonable, you are making such a big issue on such a simple matter. Asking me to put my hand into Cobra's mouth."

Tab Shree Radhaji Sakhiyan prati boli, "Lalita Vishakha, tum to badi anjaan bhai ho. Ai to sapin ko garood hai. Een to Aghasur adi dusht ko mariyo hai. Aur kali naag nathio hai aur Yamnaji ki bahir kadhi diyo ha. Ta tai tum een so yeh soh kahai ko divawaat ho. Yeh aaphi Shyamghan hai eenko sapin ko kaha daar hai." "Lalita Vishakha, how can you be so ignorant. He is the Eagle of the Snakes. He managed to kill evil giant Aghasur and Kali Naag lost the fight and was thrown out of Yamnaji. So why do you challenge him with demean task. He is Ghanshyam and He is not afraid of this Cobra." Radhaji said.

Then Lalitaji changes her challenged and said:

"Nand ke Ladilay, tum hamari sakhi ke agay Bhumimai aapno manjaan mukut chu vavo aur hamari priya sakhi Radhaju ko pranam karo to hamku prtiti avay. Etni baat karat karo to rangmala pavo."

"O spoil child of Nandbawa, if you lay your favourite mukut at Radhaju's feet and .bow thyself in front of her, then we will except your apology and we will return your rangmala."

Tab Shree Krishna bolai, "Aho Lalita, jo tum kahogi so hum karaingay. Radhaji, moko pran hu tay adhik pyari hai. Par ek shart hai tum tumari sakhi ko mari sang chodogi"

"Lalita I love Radhaji more than my life and I will do what you asked, but, on one condition that you leave your friend Radha with me." Shree Krishna said.

To this Lalitaji and Vishakha took Radha aside and they all discussed the condition, which Shree Krishna laid upon them. After private deliberation all came to Shree Krishna and Madhumangal. Lalitaji walked towards Krishna and then looked at Him as if sizing his intention. Then came to face-to-face confrontation. She brought her face so close to his and gave that million dollar cheeky smile and whispered, "Agreed and mind you no hanky panky."

Shree Krishna promised this and then put his mukut at Radhaji's feet and knelt like a noble humble warrior. All of them left Radha Krishna alone.

As soon as all sakhis were out of the sight, Madhumangal said, "Well, I think three is a crowd, and I will bid farewell to you couple. But one warning to you Radhaji, my friend is very delicate delicious makhan so does not gobble him in one go. Take care and test him with love and bhava."

And then he turned around and whispered into Krishna's ear, "Kana, you take care and leave no manorath stray, I will be keeping an eye on you."

To this Krishna twisted Madhumangal's ear with a light pinch and said, "This is spring, the king of seasons. Perfect and all-containing and I am not going to miss any opportunity, now you get yourself scarce."

When Madhumangal was also out of sight, Krishna looked at Radha and gave that gorgeous smile. Radhaji was shaking in anticipation of attachment of that nectar of shree Krishna was she was also looking forward.

It is autumn in Vrindavan. The waters are pure and abundant from the recent rains. The fragrance of the lotus flowers mingles with the wind. Shri Krishna entered the forest heavens with His pyari Radhaji. He was holding her hands and She felt that attachment, however, love must arise and only Krishna can cause this awakening in her, She was quite sure this awakening occurred after her experiences of renunciation, knowledge, yoga, austerity and her devotion.

Radha's renunciation did not embrace any negations of the world. It was spontaneous and totally derived from her unflinching love and devotion to Shri Krishna. It was through her all-encompassing love that any other attachment, were naturally shed without a trace of resentment.

Shri Krishna squeezed Radha's hand and looked into her eyes. She saw that love-look in his eyes. She saw the ultimate hero and she knew that Krishna would please all of her. Krishna never loses His appetite for love, Radha who sport with Him is His "shaktis"; she is His female power, in Vrindavan Radha pyari. Radha saw that in Krishna' eyes.

Madhumangal and all Sakhis all kept their distance Krishna's friends not only witness the lila, they are the productive deities of Vrindavan. Their presence ensures the perfection of the lila, so nothing contrary to the ideal mood can infiltrate.

Radha's fearless dalliance with Shri Krishna occurs on the lands and in the waters of Vrindavan. For this auspicious occasion, the earth is made fragrant by gentle cool breezes that have passed over blooming lotuses. The lotus petals are in water, yet they remain dry. They are engaged in lila service and are like the sage's mind; they remain in the world, yet are focused upon Brahmand.

Radha's exchanges with Krishna are staged around the clear autumn waters that have collected in the various banks and lakes in Vrindavan. Krishna is fond of His lilas in the Yamuna river. The reason for all these pleasantries is for the Play of Love, which requires a comfortable setting. To this end, Krishna makes the necessary arrangement:

"Gentle, cool and fragrance breezes
Promote the divine erotic mood."

Just beyond those heavens, unseen to all but his most intimate associates, are the secluded lila-bowers. There He frolics with Radha, abashing the beauty of countless loves.

Shree Krishna is the Lord of sweetness.
He plays His flute and herds the cows
Through the Vrindavan forests
That play host to lakes,
The Yamuna river and gentle hills.

The lakes there are enjoyed
By flocks of birds and swarms of black bees,
All intoxicated by the rows of blossoming
Trees and vines.

Radha Krishna entered to this heaven through Giri-kandra. Still holding hands, Krishna stopped, pressed Radha against his chest. Krishna awakens the amorous mood. It exalted because it contained the mood of peace, servitude, affection and intimate passion. His conjugal exchange as the Shrutis say.

The vaani of Shruti, " Always joined and replete with enlightened knowledge and action. Without the maturing of the powers of knowledge and action, the lila-mood could never arise. Krishna is truly, all knowing and all powerful."

As Krishna adhar aust clasped that soft lips of Radha, His lila endures with vitality on the Goverdhan Hill, by Yamuna river and in the lakes and ponds around Vrindavan. Birds and bees are intoxicated by rows of blossoming trees and vines. All these things ignite lila-mood and promote perception of the blissful swarthy-coloured Brahmand. Peacocks, swans, parrots and other birds engage in diverse lila-Seva around the hills and waters of Vraja.

The adhar aust sweet nectar aroused love, and perception of Krishna's form. It promoted love and attachment in the depths of Radha's beings. She had fallen under the spell of desire for Krishna. It created a surge of desire in her.

She returned the kiss of love with emotion and esteemed ruthless but with her personal gentle bhava of smoothing the desire to spread her bhava all over Krishna's form.

Unable to contain the force of Radha's flow of love, Krishna became senseless. Krishna knew that all this occurred because of the unique constitution of His scheme. He carefully staged the parts, for love play to begin. He awakened an arousal within Radha, and divine experience became timely. The sweet heavenly form of Krishna penetrated the ready heart of Shree Radhaji.

That serene melody of lovemaking created a stir throughout Radha's form and the forest and awakened all the gods. The intensity of the amorous mood that surged within Radha's innermost form. Unable to contain the force of Shree Krishna's flow of love, Radha became senseless.

"Because desire is not obstructed
Radha can clearly remember
Krishna's various expressions
Of love."

Radha collected Krishna and discern His divine form through all of her senses. She could not resist the swell of desire and then fathom a way to contain Krishna's blissful form. Krishna is adorned and establishes in Radha, the power and the knowledge necessary to contain Him.

In this amazing process he awards Radha the capacity to embrace both union and separation, In union He is seen in one place and in separation, everywhere. Krishna had to do this otherwise, until that capacity arises, Radha will remain bewildered.

Edited by - pushtidas on November 30 2004 03:17:18

Dasa no das Pushtidas

Entry Level Member

31 Posts
Posted - 30 November 2004 :  14:49:08
Jai Shree Krishna What a romantic epic of Radha and Krishna, both swaroop are well set in your description. I liked the way your flow of language with the chosen words and phrases which enhanced that alokik romance and yet you fall back into oblivation of suroundings and set the atmosphere, without any lokik entangleness. All my body ached with anticipation of Radha Krishna Darshan, as your golden words flowed and as I continued to read, I felt that I was also one of the PARIKAR who witnessed this Adhik alokik lila. What a flow of ras. Run out of the words to explain my excitements so here I stop before I go limp into oblivation of Thakorji's ras lila. Inaxi na Jai shri krishna

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Pushtikul Elite Member - April 2004

170 Posts
Posted - 01 December 2004 :  07:46:10

D.A.Purohit Go to Top of Page
Mover & Shaker Member

398 Posts
Posted - 01 December 2004 :  16:16:26
Jai Shree Krishna I will cut short the climax and next posting will take you into Nav-villas. If it is all right with all Vaishnavs, then I will cut short. It was Shree Radhaji who instigated this Nav-Villas after her sakhis helped Her to come closer to Shree Hari and she wanted it to be a gift of a Lila gesture. So my next posting will jump straight into Nav-Villas, although the build up is facinating how thakorji is convinced to do Vilas with sakhis. Anyway if everyone agree then I will jump and cut short three episodes and go to climax. Thanks for the "Lilaras Taranginee" pustak's address. We will advise all vaishnav to read these pustak.

Dasa no das Pushtidas Go to Top of Page
Pushtikul Elite Member - April 2004

170 Posts
Posted - 02 December 2004 :  01:11:24
Jay Shri Krishna. There is some misunderstanding in my mind as you wrote that "you have to take care and have to cut some portion".Actually my request was to get word by word for those who are interested. I do not mean to shorten the lila and jump to Nav vilas,please do not cut short the climax. I am really very sorry to hurt your feelings. My suggestion for Lila Ras Taranginee is for additional lilas of Shri Radha and Shri Thakurji.

D.A.Purohit Go to Top of Page
Mover & Shaker Member

398 Posts
Posted - 02 December 2004 :  02:03:36
Jai Shree Krishna I am extremely sorry Dattubhai, that I misunderstood your request. Anyway you have not hurt my feelings, bhai aisa koi apnose ruth nahi jatai. These are long episode and my intension was to edit it to get a reasonable size so the website can tolorate it. I will try to set it in a proper original form. I am very grateful to all vaishnav for your incouragement.

Dasa no das Pushtidas Go to Top of Page
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