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Pushtikul Elite Member - August 2003

1221 Posts
Posted - 11 February 2005 :  13:36:58
Jai Jai ShriGokulesh,


By doing the paath of this ShriYamunastakam with meaning and faith, then surely will lead to the Bhakti of Bhajananand. So for the reason ShriMahaprabhuji shows the swaroop of ShriYamunaji in the 8 slokas.


Dhol of ShriYamunastak ::--

Shri krishna na charanarvind ni raj thaki shobhi rahya, Siddhi alaukik aapnara vundu shri yamunajine, Supushpa ni suvas thi jungle badhu meheki rahyu ne mand shital pavan thi jal pan sugandhit thai rahyu, Puje surasur sneh thi vali sevata daivi jivo, Vandan karu shri yamunajine shri krishna aashraya aapjo
Meaning :: I bow to ShriYamunaji. ShriYamunaji is the donar of all Siddhi's. Murari-ShriKrishna's charanraj is more being seen than jal,. and this way the new blossomed flowers on the banks of ShriYamunaji, spreads forum-sugandh in the jal and the van. so the reason attracts bhakts with sur-bhaav and asur-bhaav. the beauty created here is so immense hence creating smaran to bhakts..

Vivrutti -- by ShriGusaiji

This vivrutti is been created on ShriYamunastakam by ShriGusaiji , for the jeevs like me who don't understand the direct vaani of ShriMahaprabhuji and hence the ghudh bhaav thus explains ShriGusaiji, how the beautiful alaukik swaroopa of Shriyamunaji is?

====>[b]How is ShriYamunaji?? Vividhaleelopayogini-useful in understand different leelas of shrithakurji, such Such Kalindi (ShriYamunaji) . we do stuti, For to ShriGokulesh (ShriThakurji) by jeevs nothing is possible except naman, and so for Kalindiji, also says ShriMahaprabhuji "Namami"-- i do naman to shriyamunaji. ShriBhagwan has given Astvidh Aishwarya to shriyamunaji which can be understood by 1st eight slokas of this stotra one by one. There is 1st aishwarya in this sloka """SakalSiddhiHetum""". ShriYamunaji's first aishwarya is SakalSiddhiHetum--- the reason aapshri gives the saakshaad bhagwat-seva-upyogi-deh and the leepa-swaroop-darshana-dhristi and also the ras-anubhaav to get sarvatmabhaav for shriprabhu. So a jeev only can do naman. The dosh of jal-mur's enimy shrikrishna's padpankaj (lotusfeet), whose seva jeev does, the raj is extremely found on the banks of ShriYamunaji- the charanraj of ShriPrabhu, vrajsundari-vrunda, not in small maatra, but more visible then jal, r not the ordinary raj, but the charanraj of shriprabhu. So shriyamunaji with jal& raj helps jeev in bhagwat praapti. This jal darshan jelps jeev in bhagwat smaran and increase bhaav m, so Says "Smar_Pitu" so jeev should so naman to ShriYamunaji ||1||

Edited by - gopal on February 11 2005 13:39:15

Edited by - gopal on July 29 2005 11:13:49

Jai Jai ShriGokulesh Parivaar, Baroda

Pushtikul Elite Member - August 2003

1221 Posts
Posted - 12 February 2005 :  10:53:40
Jai Jai ShriGokulesh, Now shows the prakaar of prakatya of Shri Yamunaji..


Dhol of ShriYamunastak:-
Maa suryamandal chodine bahu veg thi aavi rahya, Tya kalindi na shikhar upar shobha ati sundar dise, Ae veg ma patthar ghana harkhaine uchali rahya ne aap pan ullas purvak uchalata shobhi rahya, Hari het na jula upar jane birajya aap ho, Vandan karu shri yamunajine shri krishna aashraya aapjo
Meaning :: From the suryamandal, shriyamunaji falls on the kalind mount, and due to it lot of foam gathers and the water flows like flood comes. so looks ujjwal-fair due to falling on the kalind giri from a very far height and foam gathering. Then the flow passes through small-big shilas so it looks beautiful. The flow throws bit-big shilas (stones) high , so the shilas r very visible and this shobha is very adhbhoot, and the sound (saghosh) during this throwing is also very adhbhoot. So shriyamunaji's pravaah also seens to flow very high, like been residing on the best hindola, which only urges ahead. Mukund (who gives moksha-shrikrishna shrikrishna's love towards bhakta increases and bhakts love towards shrikrishna also increases. And friend of shrikrishna-surya (sun) daughter is shriyamunaji, this shriyamunaji resides with geratness from others.


AAvirbhaavprakaran Ahu "Kalindi" iti -- says the prakatya prakaar of shriyamunaji-kalindi so says kalindi:: From the ravi-mandal, come down to to the kalind parvat so due to falling from a big height, lot of foam gathers and seems ujjwal (brighter)OJVALA. Then shriyamunaji's pravaah of jal then pases through high and lower stones, seems like doing travelling on the uttam hindola, so she enjoys and the beauuty of this place is very versitile. the flow goes high and the stones also throwing high so is clearly visible. So due to this stones thrown high and come back again, the noise arouses, very visham sound, which increases the beauty, so shrimahaprabhuji used the word, [b]saghosh. "Dantur" can be defined in many ways, like "vipul-pulakbhar-danturitam" Moreover "[b]Ghosh" shabda meaning is to go towards VRAJ. then from kalind-giri , shriyamunaji now comes to earth on land. where shriyamunaji comes to vraja. and she is helpful in mukund-rati-vardhini== increase rati-love in mukund-shrikrishna. as shriyamunaji is daughter of sun, but also friend of kamal (shrikrishna), so even as shrikrishna, is rasaatmika so is shriyamunaji. ||2||

Edited by - gopal on February 12 2005 10:55:35 Edited by - gopal on July 29 2005 11:26:05

Jai Jai ShriGokulesh Parivaar, Baroda

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Pushtikul Elite Member - August 2003

1221 Posts
Posted - 12 February 2005 :  11:12:43
Jai Jai ShriGokulesh, Now ShriYamunaji comes from kalind-giri to earth, and then the dharma what is for ShriYamunaji?


Dhol of ShriYamunastak ::--
Shuk mor saras hans aadi pakshi thi sevayela, gopijano ae sevya bhuvan svajan pavan rakhta Tarang rup shri hast ma reti rupi moti tana, kankan saras shobhi rahya shri krishna ne bahu priya je Nitamb rup shri tat tanu adbhut darshan thay jo Vandan karu shri yamunajine shri krishna aashraya aapjo
Meaning :: ShriYamunaji now when comming on earth, makes pure the sharir-roopi bhuvan of bhakts valid for Bhagwat-seva. As all gopijans depends on shriyamunaji, like many noisy words of suk-parrot, mayur-peacock, and hans-swan etc, prabhuhti all birds r dependent on shriyamunaji. ShriYamunaji's shrihast roopi waves, when comes on banks of river, then it visibles likewise shriyamunaji hs worn kankan with muktaphal, which shines in raj of shriyamunaji. both the sides of shriyamunaji looks like the embrossed nitambh (hips). This shriyamunaji is chaturth priya of prabhu, for her jeev all do naman to shriyamunaji, says shrimahaprabhuji.. " Really Beautiful sloka, which makes realise the whole picture of shriyamunaji. We all had seen the chitraji, of shriyamunaji like this, where aapshri carries lotus-flower garland in one hand and other hand on the hips (nitambh), and the aabhushans shinning. Just imagine the above picture for the river-flowing shriyamunaji at shrimad gokula. here we will find the same shriyamunaji, as given in the sloka, there is less jal and more raj, jal flows on the banks which are shrihasts of shriyamunaji, the valuka-raj-sand here shines, as if seems precious jewels is been wore by shriyamunaji, in aapshri's shrihast . Jal flows and showers on the banks and goes back, then shrihast are the flows and the shinning raj r the tarang-bhuj-kankana... bhujas are having valukas roopi muktaphal, and both the banks r nitamb, and one shrihast kept on the hips. Edited by - gopal on July 29 2005 11:29:55

Jai Jai ShriGokulesh Parivaar, Baroda

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Pushtikul Elite Member - August 2003

1221 Posts
Posted - 22 March 2005 :  09:40:47
Jai Jai ShriGokulesh,

|| ShriGokulesho Jayati ||

Now shows the same dharmas as ShriThakurji had and for ShriYamunaji....
"Anant-Gun-Bhushite Shiv-Viranchi-Devastute Ghanaghananibhe Sadaa Dhruv-Parashar-Abhistade || Vishudha-Mathura-Tate Sakal-Gop-GopiVrute Krupa-Jaladi-Sanshrite Mama Mana-Sukham Bhavaya||4||
Dhol of ShriYamunastak ::--
[Anant gun thi shobhata stuti dev brahma shiv kare, ghanashyam jevu megh sam che swarup sundar aapnu Vishuddh mathura aapna sannidhya ma shobhi rahyu, sahu gop gopi vrund ne icchit fal aapi rahya Mam kod sau pura karo jyam dhruv parashar na karya Vandan karu shri yamunajine shri krishna aashraya aapjo
Meaning ::--In this shloka, Shri Mahaprabhuji describes the prayer to Shri Yamuna Maharani. O! Shri Yamunaji, you have infinite divine qualities. Even, Gods like Shiv and Brahama praise you. Ur varna is like the dark-clouds of rainy days (ghanaghana)You have granted all the wishes of such great devotees as Dhruv and Parasher. Such holy cities as Mathura are on your banks. You are always surrounded with gopi’s and gopijans and you are always protected by blessings of Shri Krshna. O! Shri Yamunaji, I wish that you give me such a blessing that it gives peace and happiness to my mind. Chanting this shloka with pure and honest heart gives tremendous mental peace and eternal happiness.
Vivrutti by ShriGusaiji
Very adhbhut dharmas to understand and the similar dharmas of ShriYamunaji with Shrithakurji, so used the adjective "Anant"(infinite). Shribhagwan had seven dharmas, which are same for aapshri's priya (shriyamunaji) "TuryaPriyam" By using the word "GhanaGhana" indicates the relaation of Shyam Varna of Shrithakurji, so ShriYamunaji looks. Now in this sloka the seven dharmas r like wise.
1.Showing the Aishwarya
Anant Guna Bhushite:- ShriYamunaji is decorated with infinite roops of Bhagwan during rasotsav
2.Showing the Virya
ShivViranchi Devastute:- Shiv, Brahma, Prabhuti all devtaas does stuti of ShriBhagwan and so for ShriYamunaji also.
3.Showing the Shri
GhanaGhananibhesada:- The dark clouds showers slowly, the shyam varna both of shrithakurji and shriyamunaji.
4.Showing the Yash
DhruvaparasharaBhistade:- Gives the aborted fruit of Dhruv and Parashar.
5.Showing the Gyan
Vishudhamathuratate:- The most pure city of ShriMathuraji is on the banks of ShriYamunaji.
6.Showing the Vairagya
Sakalagopgopivrute:- Shrithakurji reaches to all gops-gopis and on the banks of ShriYamunaji, where shriyamunaji surrounds the whole leela-parikar.
7.This shows the Dharmi
Krupajaladisanshrite:- The graceful sea of Shrithakurji is really beautiful and this graceful sea (bless) always depends or relibles on shrithakurji and shriyamunaji depends on the graceful roopa sea Shrithakurji. Other rivers meets the salty sea, but ShriYamunaji is very eager and ends to the graced roopi sea Shrithakurji so doing sang of ShriYamunaji, will lead to the relation of ShriPrabhu is the bhaav shown. Doing anusandhan of this, will give peace and happiness to jeev ||4||
Edited by - gopal on April 20 2005 11:10:29 Edited by - gopal on July 29 2005 11:32:47

Jai Jai ShriGokulesh Parivaar, Baroda

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Pushtikul Elite Member - August 2003

1221 Posts
Posted - 29 July 2005 :  11:10:12
Jai Jai ShriGokulesh,

ShriGokulesho Jayati

Welcome ShriYamunaji to remain ever in our Heart
Yaya Charan Padmajaa, Muraripoho Priyam Bhavuka, Samaagamanto Bhavet, Sakal Siddhida Sevatam, Taya Sadrushtamiyat, Kamalja Spatnee Vayat, Hari Priya Kalindaya, Mansi Me sada Stheeyatam||5||
Dhol of ShriYamunastak : --
Shri krishna na charano thaki shri jahnavi utpanna thaya, satsang pamya aapno ne siddhidayak thai gaya Evu mahatmya che aapnu sarakhamani koi shu kare, samakaksha ma aavi shake sagarsuta ek j khare Eva prabhu ne priya mara hradaya ma aavi vaso Vandan karu shri yamunajine shri krishna aashraya aapjo
Meaning ::-- Shri Gangaji evolved from the lotus feet of Shri Bhagavan. Shri Gangaji became holy and pious due to merging with Shri Yamunaji at Triveni Sangam. Shri Yamunaji made Shri Gangaji capable of giving all achievements Sakal Siddhi to the serving devotees. Only Shri Laxmiji is equal and comparable to Shri Yamunaji-but on a lesser degree. I wish that this type of Shri Yamunaji, who can take all worries of her devotees and who is also favorite (Hari Priya) to Shri Krishna, come and stayput in my heart and soul forever.


ShriMahaprabhuji explains in this hym that ShriGangaji has descended from the pious feet of Lord ShriGokulesh and due to her merging with ShriYamunaji at Prayag, ShriGangaji became dear to Lord ShriGokulesh (Priyam Bhavuka) and so has become capable of blessing all the devotees with such power whish ShriYamunaji alone could bestow on the devotees. Hence ShriGangaji has also acquired the power of ShriYamunaji of "Providing divinly transformed and renewed body"-Tanunvatva to the devotees. Because of this power, ShriGangaji also could provide a body to the devotee, useful for performing the Seva of ShriGokulesh. If there is any one who can come close to ShriYamunaji, it would be only ShriLakshmiji. Why, the afluence of both ShriYamunaji and ShriGanganji is equal nevethless, ShriYamunaji is more dearar to ShriGokulesh then ShriLakshmiji. Lakshmiji is the wife of Lord ShriGokulesh. She always stays in the hearts of Lord and always peform the service of Lords's ShriCharan-pad seva. Despite this, ShriLakshmiji has no relation with Pushti Leelas of ShriGokulesh. Only in Dwarka Leela she is close to the Lord. She could not grant devotion of Bhakti to the devotees. On the contrarary, She disillusions her devotees and drag them to Maya-worldly attatchments,. and the devotees of Lakshmiji forget ShriGokulesh after getting the material wealth, whereas ShriYamunaji grants devotion to her Bhakts and make them chanting virtues of ShriKrishna. Here ShriMahaprabhuji has called ShriYamunaji as Kalindaya, ShriYamunaji being Kalindi, eliminate evils of Kali. She Removes the evils of sensual pleasure from the devotees and pick thyem on the path of Devotion therefore ShriMahaprabhuji welcomes Shriyamunaji to remain forever in my hearts-manasi me sada sthiyatam. If shriyamunaji remains in our heart, she ccan cleanes all the vices of the Kaliyug and feel our heart with loving attitude for ShriGokulesh. Thus , ShriMahaprabhuji has blessed us all in this stanza. || 5 || Edited by - gopal on July 29 2005 11:35:21

Jai Jai ShriGokulesh Parivaar, Baroda

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Pushtikul Elite Member - August 2003

1221 Posts
Posted - 19 July 2006 :  12:55:27

Jai Jai ShriGokulesh

ShriGokulesho Jayati

Namostu Yamune Sadaa Tava Charitra Atyatbhutam

Na jatu Yamyatna Bhavati te Paya Panata

Yamopi Bhagini Sutham Katha Muhanti Dustanapi

Priyo Bhavati Sevanat Tava Hareryatha Gopikam || 6 ||

Dhol of ShriYamunastakam

Adhbhoot Charitra Chhe aapnu vandan karu hu prem thi

Yamyatna aave nahi, maa! Aapna payy paan thhi

Kadi Dust hoye toye pan Santaan Chiye Ame apna

Sparshe na amne koi bhay Chhaya sadaa chhe aapni

Gopijano na prabhu priya Banya Avi Krupa Bas Raakhjo

Vandan Karu ShriYamunaji ne ShriKrishna Aashray Aapjo || 6 ||

ShriYamunaji, i pleasantly bow down to you for all eternity. Your virtues are exceedingly divine. Any devotee who has grasped your significance with absolute faith, never feels the eartly or afferlite pains. How can Yamraj (A Demi-god that punishes the sinner in afterlife) punishes the childrens of his younger sister, even if they are bad? Pushti devotees who earnestly worshipp you becomes beloved of shrikrishna just like ShriGopijans...|| 6 ||


Here the pada "Namostu" used by ShriMahaprabhuji. The reason is that the jeev can only do " Naman" and without naman jeev is not liable to do anything. And even Naman done is not so easy. Because jeev is not having samarthya even to do naman., So in the pad "Nama-astu"   where astu indicates the Prarthna-praying. So i blw with prarthna-prayer do accept.

        The importance of ShriPrabhu iw very wel versed in the Shastras, So doing "Naman" to shriprabhu is bit obvious. And ShriYamunaji's importance-mahamatya we get understand  after getting entry in the Leela Shrushti. So after then we do naman. We don't do first Naman. And it is very not easy to get the leela shrushti entry. So we only do prayer for that we get the eligibiity in the leela shrushti, ShriMahaprabhuji used the pad "Namostu". We do prarthna, Hey ShriYamunaji! always i bow to you. Now ShriMahaprabhuji gave aagyna that with the Payy-paan jeev does not get the pains given by "Yamraj"such adhbhoot charitra is of aapshri. Juas as Shriprabhu is also the spark of adhbhoot karma, so the elements like kaama, bhay, dwesh, prabhuti creates obstacles, which are obstacles in Uttam Gati. So then shriVrajSwamini's did kaam, kansa with bhay and sishupaaletc with dwesh, and and acheived shriprabhu. Here kaam-etc are non-elements but still prabhu made saadhan roop. So for such thirst of to get shriprabhu, do the payy-paan of ShriYamunaji, so to get some uttam gati or not become element of destroying the yam-yatna (pains given by yamraj) so also yamyatna was destroyed, by payy-paan of shriyamunaji, is such adhbhoot charitra.

    ............still to continue


Jai Jai ShriGokulesh Parivaar, Baroda

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Pushtikul Elite Member - August 2003

1221 Posts
Posted - 19 July 2006 :  13:04:19

jai jai shrigokulesh


Now, it is clear that by the Payy-paan of shriyamunaji, Yamyatna does not get to that jeev, why?? Because Yamraj is brother of ShriYamunaji, and here payy-paan is understood in 2 ways. Payy means water, milk. to drink water. In our pushtimarg, we call ShriYamunaji as ShriYamune MaharaniMaa. Maa means mother and a jeev doing payy paan mens drinking mothers milk, means she is mother and a jeev is a child of shriyamunaji.So for yamraj, the child of his sister ShriYamunaji is either a nice or nephew. And how can a maternal uncle (mama)  harm his nice/nephew. even if that child is cruel-dust. Because sister's child is always belowed and no harm should be done by uncle. It is the tradition that uncle (mama) has to do raksha, also satkaar of his nice/nephew . So after shriyamraj born, so for dosh nivruti of brother, ShriYamunaji also borned, so is younger sister, is more belowed.

     "Priyo Bhavati Sevanat Tava Hareryatha" After describing such adhbhoot (amazing-divine) charitra (virtue). which is fruitful, fruit giving, after describing such virtues. Now sasys that just as ShriVrajswamini's became priya (belowed) of ShriHari(Hare) so by serving  and by payy-pan of shriyamunaji jeev will also get belowed to ShriHari. So ShriMahaprabhuji gave aagyna, "Priyo Bhavati Sevanat Tava Hareryatha"..Gopika.... In this elemental world, we don't find that by serving Mr.X and the Mr.Y  gets prasanna-happy, but yes, in pushtimarg, by doing Sevan-Serving Shriyamunaji, shrihari gets happy. Just as in the katyayani  vrat prasang, Shrikumarika's served Shriyamunaji, and ShriHari became happy,. Such divine - amazing virtue are of Shriyamunaji.

Jai Jai ShriGokulesh Parivaar, Baroda

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Senior Member

224 Posts
Posted - 28 July 2006 :  12:22:09

Jai jai shri gokulesh,

Mamastu tav sannidhau tanu-navatvam-etavata

Na durlabhtama ratih Mur-ripau Mukund-priye I

Atostu tav lalana surdhuni param sangamat

Tavaiv bhuvi kirtita na tu kadapi pushti-sthitaih II7II

Dhol of ShriYamunastakam:

Shri krishna ne priya aap cho, Mama deh sunder rakha jo,

Bhagwat lilama thay preeti, sneh evo aapjo,

jayam apna sansarg thi,  gangaji pustima vahya,

mama mana deh shri krishnane priya thai eva rakhjo,

virharatima he mat! mara hrudaya ma birajjo,

vandan karyu shri yamunaji, shri krishna ashray aapjo.

O beloved of Mukund Shri Yamunaji! By your nearness let my body become new(worthy) so to gain the love of Shri Krishna-the enemy of demon Mura- is not difficult. So let us shower you with love(by prayers) as Ganga became famous only after merging with you and was not worshipped by Pushti-Jivas before that.II7II


According to Shri Hariraiji Shri Mahaprabhuji has used the word "Tanu Navatva" and not used the word "Navtanutav". By the word "Tanu Navatava", Shri Mahaprabhuji pleads before yamunaji that by taking yamunajalall the pains caused by the god of death-Yama are absolved, not only this but the devotees be blessed with divinly transformed and renewed servicable body. For the attainment of god one needs purity, senerity and devinity of body, mind and senses.

This is very important divine power of shri yamunaji. By residing close to yamunaji one gets devine renewed body by which it becomes easier for individual soul to increase love for Shri Krishna. Shri Mahaprabhuji states that by taking refuge to Shri Yamunaji all the evils, of present, past and future of individual soul are removed. Not only this but the devotees get bhakti which is very much higher than liberation and the body becomes qualified for glimpses of Shri Krishna's Leelas.

Shri Mahaprabhuji furthur states that bymerging of Shri Gangaji with Shri Yamunaji, Shri Gangaji's power of granting devine and renewed body to devotee increases. In Pustimarg Shri Gangaji is not praised separately to Shri Yamunaji, But Shri Gangaji is worshipped by pusti devotees only after she merges with Shri Yamunaji.

Thus, Shri Mahaprabhuji has described here the power of  Shri yamunaji in granting divine and renewed body to the devotees.


Shri Vallabha Charan Vina Sharan Koni Jaou.....Shri Vitthala Nam Vina Mantra Kya Thi Paou......Shri Vallabha Charan Vina Sharan Koni Jaou.....

Unnati Kadakia


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Senior Member

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Posted - 28 July 2006 :  13:48:37
Jai Jai Shree Gokulesh.

Nice going, pl. continue.
Badhai to all for Thakurani trij- prakatya of Yamunashtakam.


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Mover & Shaker Member

381 Posts
Posted - 28 July 2006 :  15:28:06

Jai Shri Krishna,

very much enjoying the flow..
Hardik Badhais to one and all.. Some further information below...

The third day in the month of Shravan is Thakurani Treej. This day is the manorath of Shri Swaminiji and Shri Yamunaji.  The bhaav is - Shri Thakorji spent ashtha prahar with Shri Thakuraniji in her Nikunj and fulfilled all her manoraths


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Pushtikul Elite Member - August 2003

1221 Posts
Posted - 29 July 2006 :  16:40:16

Jai Jai ShriGokulesh

Unati, thanks for continuing the next sloka for Yamunastakam, and i had a question to ask, ShriPrabhu had many names, like ShriKrishna, gopal, govind, madhav, murari, mukund, etc. So in this sloka ShriMahaprabhuji had used the name as mukund from "Muripau Mukund-priye "? Why not other names?

Jai Jai ShriGokulesh Parivaar, Baroda

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