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Posted - 12 March 2007 :  14:53:42

Jai Sri Shreenathji Sarkar,

Dear Vaishnavjan,

I have a small query and i am pretty confident that the vaishnavs suggestions can be of great help to me in this regard. I have read a lot about brhamsambandh, i have seen its practicality when my maternal great grandmother expired who had taken brahmsambandh from then tilakayat sri of her time. I planned to took it once but during my interaction with Sri Sri Goswami balak whenever i asked something and sri bawa tried to reply one or the other vaishnav spoke to reply and due to short span of visit of Bawa sri i was not able to take brahmsambandh. 

I have with me swaroop of shreenathjee thakorji. I have been serving it since i was a child and i dont remember from where i exactly got my thakorji's swaroop from .

After reading books and material i tried to modify seva a bit but most of the seva i have till date done has been as per the bhava and thaughts i considered useful or as i have seen from elders doing it to their swaroop shri. I have following queries from vaishnav jan and i will be extremely grateful for the assistance:-

1) Can there be two different Gurus..i mean One who gave the name in childhood and one who gives Brahmsambandh Diksha in case the earlier aapshri (guru) has left for heavenly abode?

2)I am working in a private organization and the timings as such are odd, in such circumstances if seva is not done on proper time is their any way to prevent oneself from seva apradh?

3) My wife is also a vaishnava she can take up the seva on time but during restricted periods when she cant do the seva is their any way to avoid seva apradh due to uncertain job timings?

4) Is mansik offerings to lord with bhava acceptable during tours to sevya swaroop shree shreenathji sarkar?

Please Help me by answering my queries i would be indeed thankful to you all.

Jai shree shakhavatsal giridharan sri 10008 sri Shreenathji Thakorji sarkar


Pandit Amit Pareek

Sri Gusai param dayalve namah, Jai sri SHRINATHJI sarkar,

Mover & Shaker Member

381 Posts
Posted - 12 March 2007 :  18:40:37

Jai Shri Krishna

as per my limited understanding, please see some comments below under the points you have raised. The comments are mainly based on what shri vallabhkul has said in their vachanmruts and other experiences from vaishnavs. Kindly excuse any misunderstandings/mistakes and help to correct the same.

It would be very nice if, the more experienced/knowledgeable vaishnavs can also help elaborate further and share their experiences to clarify these critical points.

Jai Sri Shreenathji Sarkar,

Dear Vaishnavjan,

I have a small query and i am pretty confident that the vaishnavs suggestions can be of great help to me in this regard. I have read a lot about brhamsambandh, i have seen its practicality when my maternal great grandmother expired who had taken brahmsambandh from then tilakayat sri of her time. I planned to took it once but during my interaction with Sri Sri Goswami balak whenever i asked something and sri bawa tried to reply one or the other vaishnav spoke to reply and due to short span of visit of Bawa sri i was not able to take brahmsambandh. 

-- one can only look at this as bhagvad iccha/kautuk

I have with me swaroop of shreenathjee thakorji. I have been serving it since i was a child and i dont remember from where i exactly got my thakorji's swaroop from .

-- this is indeed very fortunate. Once Brahmsambandh has been obtained, do consult your gurucharan to make the swaroop pusht (unless this is already done)

After reading books and material i tried to modify seva a bit but most of the seva i have till date done has been as per the bhava and thaughts i considered useful or as i have seen from elders doing it to their swaroop shri. I have following queries from vaishnav jan and i will be extremely grateful for the assistance:-

1) Can there be two different Gurus..i mean One who gave the name in childhood and one who gives Brahmsambandh Diksha in case the earlier aapshri (guru) has left for heavenly abode?

-- this is known to happen and one should see shri vallabh in all and not see any difference between any member of shri vallabh kul. Though one should make every effort to be closer and consult one's diksha guru(s) and locally residing guruji

2) I am working in a private organization and the timings as such are odd, in such circumstances if seva is not done on proper time is their any way to prevent oneself from seva apradh?

-- there are prasangs where vaishnavs do mangla seva in the evening after they return from work.. One should seek appropriate advice from one's guru for performing relevant seva.

3) My wife is also a vaishnava she can take up the seva on time but during restricted periods when she cant do the seva is their any way to avoid seva apradh due to uncertain job timings?

-- This is resolved in point 2, above.

4) Is mansik offerings to lord with bhava acceptable during tours to sevya swaroop shree shreenathji sarkar?

-- yes, however where possible one should take shri thakorji with them in the jhapiji and if at all possible, do seva in even in the most sukshma way (jal, misri, etc) - varta prasang of shri padmanabh dasji who used to offer only chola but each katori of chola had bhaavs of different samagris.

-- when we attended the lagna prastav of ppg 108. shri  darshankumarji, many vaishnavs had brought (Padhravya) their thakorji at je je's mukam and did continue with their seva there.



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Pushtikul Elite Member - August 2003

1221 Posts
Posted - 12 March 2007 :  18:45:05
Jai Jai ShriGokulesh

  Dear Panditji, Somehow, i not fully agree with the things. Don't take it as granted, as it is my opinion. But why so, i m eloborating it. ONly for the title,
i tried to modify seva a bit but most of the seva

  Brahmasambandh is not the only solution in pushtimarg. Whenever a jeev willing to follow Pushtimarg, then first he/she has to get initiated by a Goswami Balak (ShriVallabhkul Vanshaj). First he/she requests that balak for Diksha, and looking to the aggressiveness/eagerness, that Balak Should initiate that jeev with Naam Smaran Diksha. Which we clearly find from the Vaarta prasangs of 84, 252, 78 Bhagwadiyas.  So very very less Vaishnavas were directly give brahmasambandh. Otherwise most were given first Naam and then Nivedan (brahmasambandh). Pahele mein toko Naam sunavat hu, aru paache Brahsambandh karavat hu.

    Check on this link of PushtiPravesh

   Many things will be cleared.

    Moreover In our life Only 1 ShriGurudev comes who takes us to Sharan. Now for ur questions.

    Ur first question requires the valid reason. Sometimes it do happens that in childhood, when we take Naam diksha, and when we grew up, it so happens that That Balak did Leela. This can happen. So the first priority comes that if we wanted to do Sarva Samarpan, then Take Brahmasambandh diksha from the Balak of that Gurudwar. If not possible, then can go for Other Goswami Balak.

      If we r working for extensive hours in service, and some obstacles r there, then the best option is that We should Live our livelihood by the Katha Paksha (naam smaran part).  Because these obstacles will be there, and The part of getting apradh in seva is more. Also during periods, we will be safe.

       Ur 3rd questions's answer o tried to give in 2nd answer,.

       Ur 4tth questions's answer. Manasi is not a Seva. It is the stage. Just like when we r small, and our parents keeps us in school, first we r been kept in KG, and then to pre-primary, and primary, then to secondary, higher secondary, and to college, etc. So these r the different stages of education.
In seva, comes Tanuvittaja Seva, which highest peak is Manasi stage, not Manasi seva.

    So we should not mess up with  Tanuvittaja Seva with Manasi Avastha. Ok, during tours, we remember our ShriSevya Prabhu. But that cannot be considered as Manasi seva. Keeping Anusandhan-remembering Our ShriPrabhu is the respect, the addiction, the love for ShriPrabhu.

    So Amitbhai, i had just given my opinion. U first make ShriGuru and then do vinanti to Aapshri, ShriGurucharan (ShriVallabhkul Vanshan Balak) is well Samarth-Capable for solving all these queries.


Jai Jai ShriGokulesh Parivaar, Baroda

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Pushtikul Elite Member - August 2003

1221 Posts
Posted - 12 March 2007 :  18:53:45
Jai Jai ShriGokulesh

However where possible one should take shri thakorji with them in the jhapiji and if at all possible, do seva in even in the most sukshma way (jal, misri, etc) - varta prasang of shri padmanabh dasji who used to offer only chola but each katori of chola had bhaavs of different samagris.

        When we taken Brahmasambandh, and Sarva-Samarpan, then What ever is with us, is to be offered to ShriPrabhu, and what ever ShriPrabu does Angikaar, is to be taken by us. So if we Offer only Jhariji, or Misribhog, or Dudh ghar, then we should fill our stomach with the Prasadi Jhariji's Jal, or only with Misri, or with Dudh. If we r not doing this, then we r cheating ShriPrabhu, Cheating ShriMahaprabhu's Siddhant.

Jai Jai ShriGokulesh Parivaar, Baroda

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Mover & Shaker Member

381 Posts
Posted - 12 March 2007 :  18:59:05

Jai Shri Krishna

I feel Gopalbhai has very nicely explained everything above - thank you.  also, thank you for the wonderful link to the pdf book.

Best Wishes

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Entry Level Member

46 Posts
Posted - 13 March 2007 :  17:36:11

Jai Shri Shreenathji ,

thanks a lot jagdish bhai and gopal ji. I have decided to visit first nathdwara and then to pay a visit to gurudwar for further clarification.

jai sri Krushna

Pandit Amit Pareek

Sri Gusai param dayalve namah, Jai sri SHRINATHJI sarkar,

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