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 Leelamrut-2 Krishna janam
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46 Posts
Posted - 29 May 2007 :  09:37:33

Jai Sri Shrinathji,

Dear Vaishnav Charan after having read the leelamrut praasang of Goverdhan lets start the krishna leela kirtan from begining.

Whenever the Satanic values come to prevail on the earth and the righteous values decline, the Supreme Being (the Godhead) embodies Himself forth as a human-being in order to uproot vice and to establish virtue so that the earth may get rid of sinners. History stands witness to this fact. The birth of Lord Krishna, thousands of years ago, can be cited as an example to prove this fact. The Mother Earth, at that time, was suffering from the tortures of demoniac powers that were at their hey-day. The pitch darkness of sin prevalent everywhere was devouring noble values mercilessly. When the mother Earth could not tolerate all this, she approached Lord Brahma, the Creator of the world. Lord Brahma escorted her to Lord Vishnu to ask for His help, Hearing the woeful tale of the Mother Earth, the Lord consoled her saying. "Don't worry, Goddess Earth! I myself shall come in the form of Krishna in order to rid you of the clutches of sinners." This was the background of the incarnation of Lord Krishna. The story begins when Kansa, son of Ugrasena, the old ruler of Mathura , was escorting her cousin Devaki and her husband Vasudeva to her in-laws just after her marriage with Vasudeva. On tire way, Kansa was startled to hear a divine voice, which said, "O cruel king! The eighth son of this very cousin of yours will be your killer."



Having heard the divine words, Kansa felt worried and at the same time he flew into a rage. Though his love for his cousin, Devaki, was immense, yet he now considered her to be his murderer's birth-giver. So, he made up his mind to kill Devaki instantly. Having resolved to put Devaki to death, Kansa drew out his sword and thundered, "I will put an end to Devaki's life. Wherefrom, then, will my murderer be born? When the tree is not there, there can't be any fruit." Vasudeva was an old friend of Kansa. He requested the king with folded hands, "Friend! What are you up to? Devaki is your cousin. I think that you want the divine prophecy not to come true. So, I give a solemn word to hand over each and every baby to you as soon as it is born to us." Kansa agreed to what his friend had offered. He said, "All right! I will not kill Devaki but must keep you imprisoned here at Mathura . I won't let you go to your own place." Kansa returned to Mathura along with Devaki and Vasudeva. He took them prisoners near his palace. At the same time, he imprisoned his old father, King Ugrasena, so that he might seize the throne and declare himself king of Mathura . He was sure that his father, if allowed to continue as king, would not let him kill the babies born to Devaki the babies born to Devaki.


In due course of time, Devaki gave birth to her first son. Vasudeva sent the information of this birth to Kansa through the guards of the prison. Kansa sent for Vasudeva along with the baby. When Vasudeva came to Kansa with his son in his arms, Kansa was pleased with him as he had fulfilled his promise. So, he returned the baby to him and Vasudeva came back to the prison happy and satisfied. But after an hour or so, Kansa reached the prison in person. He was almost mad in rage. Ill-advised by someone, he had taken a firm decision to kill each baby born to her cousin Devaki. So, he snatched the baby from her and struck it on a stone with the result that it was killed there and then. In like manner, Kansa put five more sons of Devaki to death one by one. Out of Kansa's fear, Rohini, the second wife of Vasudeva left Mathura and began to live at Gokul. Now Devaki was again in the family way for her seventh issue. Miraculously, her pregnancy got transferred to Rohini and she gave birth to a son who was named Balram. In course of time, Devaki was to deliver her eighth son and she was extremely worried. Vasudeva consoled her saying that it was this baby who was destined to put an end to the excesses of sinful Kansa.


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Kansa was waiting for the birth of Devaki's seventh baby so far. But when informed by the royal physician that Devaki was normal, perhaps due to miscarriage, he burst into a pea) of laughter. The foolish king remarked, "Doctor! You see; even the would-be babies have started disappearing out of fear from me. I shall see how the divine prophecy comes out to be true." Now Kansa got the information that Devaki was going to be the mother of her eighth baby. He was, no doubt, boasting of his prowess but only apparently while in his heart of hearts he was grossly alarmed at the news of Devaki's being in the family way for the eighth time. So, he called in two hefty guards, one of whom was named Pradyot. Kansa addressed him and said, "Mind you Devaki is expectant again; she will soon deliver her eighth issue. You know very well that this baby is considered to be my would-be murderer, So, it is imperative that security of the prison should be far stricter. I order you to place dreadful demons as guards around the jail. "Pradyot replied, "As you order, sir." Pradyot went away along with his companion and set about making the security of the prison as stricter as possible. When everything was all right, he informed the king of all the arrangements



After a long wait, the month of August (Bhandon) approached and soon it was the eighth day of the waning moon. Devaki and Vasudeva, fettered in chains, were sitting in their prison-room lost in endless worry. Suddenly, clouds began to thunder and lightning flashed alarmingly. Through an open window of the prison entered a dazzling beam of light and a fascinating voice resounded, "Devaki! I am Vishnu. And I am going to be born to you shortly." Then the voice addressed Vasudeva, "Vasudeva! Take me to Nand Baba, Chief of Gokul, as soon as I am born. Just at the time of my birth, a daughter will be born to Nand Baba's wife. Bring the girl in lieu of me and put her into Devaki's lap." Hearing these words of lord Vishnu, Vasudeva and Devaki folded their hands and began to praise Him. Just at midnight was born Lord Krishna. The baby was extremely -handsome and lovely. It seemed as if it were smiling to see them: As soon as Vasudeva thought of carrying the baby to Nand Baba, who lived at Gokul, his fetters got loose and he was free. And when he got ready to go, the gates got opened and all the guards were lost in deep slumber snoring heavily. So, Vasudeva came out unnoticed and advanced on the path leading to Gokul



Sri Gusai param dayalve namah, Jai sri SHRINATHJI sarkar,

goswami manmathrai
P.P.Goswami (Shri Vallabhkul)

34 Posts
Posted - 06 June 2007 :  02:04:24


Whom so ever it may concern...

Plz make a Note who ever has written this "KRISHNA JANM" Article...there is a BIG MISTAKE in the Article which can distract the complete IDEA of DASHMA SKANDH & Shrimad BHAAGWATAM...(& the subscriber & one who posts such articles should take immense care about what he's giving in large...!)

The Main Article (on KRISHNA JANM) Quotes such Lines..."Kansa was startled to hear a divine voice, which said, "O cruel king! The eighth son of this very cousin of yours will be your killer."

Plz Note that in DASHMA SKANDH,SHRIMAD BHAAGWATAM Shlok No.34...the AAKAASHWANI does not mention that KANSA's killer is a SON or a DAUGHTER...it says...


ASHTAMO GARBHO...that means 8th ISSUE...(didnt mentioned boy or a girl)...thats the reason why KANSA also tried to kill the YOG MAYA (the girl VASUDEVji brought frm GOKUL)...

DEV VAANI's are never clear,& there's always a secret behind them...which's again a matter of a deep research...

I mentioned this...thinking that this is a FORUM,& everybody has the right to keep his words in front of everybody but still if there's something Wrong or in-appropriate...I'm Sorry for that.

SHRIMAD BHAAGWATAM's each word is precious & Deep...coz MAHAPRABHU SHRI VALLABHACHARYA quotes SHRIMAD BHAAGWATAM in his Shri SUBODHINI as "SAMAADHI BHAASHA"...(means its not a general talk or something its each word is a philosophy in itself)...so in short, may Shri VALLABH GRACE all of U & may U all keep raising SATSANG by Posting such LEELAAMRUTS in their correct & actual forms...


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Entry Level Member

46 Posts
Posted - 07 June 2007 :  11:04:10

Respected Bavasri,


The article is taken from a webbased patrika.  apolosize fopr the mistake and will take care before posting such articles.

seeking forgiveness.

Pandit amit pareek

Sri Gusai param dayalve namah, Jai sri SHRINATHJI sarkar,

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Pushtikul Elite Member - August 2003

1221 Posts
Posted - 09 June 2007 :  19:42:14

ShriGokulesho Jayati

Dandwat Pranam Je Je

Its really blessings for us that aapshri took Ati Shram for giving us the right information regardint the topic been was to be discussed. Next time, we(sevak-vaishnavs) all should take proper care for posting any of the authentic topics whould be according to the prachin parampara, and not to today's mankalpit prakaar.

Jai Jai ShriGokulesh Parivaar, Baroda

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