Mover & Shaker Member
394 Posts
Posted - 01 May 2004 : 08:06:44
jai shree krishnasorry to all vaishnavs as i am puting up so many questions at a time, but if i dont put then i forget to aks them so i just put it up. any way i just wanted to know like shri mahprabhuji had Asur Vyamoha Leela (leave this world). how and when did shri gusaiji leave Bhutal to go to leela (Gauloka) to thakorji. did thakorji also requested him like shri mahaprabhuji to come to him? thank you
Jay Bhatt
PRO - / P.E.M. January 2004
1853 Posts
Posted - 01 May 2004 : 11:20:02
Jai Shri Krishna
There is no specific instance like in the case of Shree Mahaprabhuji, with repsect to Shree Gusianji.
He left Bhutal in the year 1644, some say it is 1642.(Falgun, Krushn paksh, Sapthami, Evening):
After the seva,During Raj bhog He invited all the Seven Laljis and the their families in front of Shreeji Bawa and Asked the Lord to take of this Vansha and its Respect, which Bawa Acknowledged. Shree Gusainji then gave is last advice to the entire family, highlighting that Shree Govardhan Nath was their Kul devatha and that one should never show his peet to him, One should always adhere to the teachings of Shree Mahaprabhuji and Follow the guidance of Shree Giridharji. In the Evening it is said that after performing Shayan aarthi, He handed over his Uparna to Giridharji for Antim sanskar and left. He entered into the Girikandhara and attained Nikunjleela.
Shree Vallabha dheesh ki jai
Pushtikul Ethics Director / P.E.M. June 2003
424 Posts
Posted - 03 May 2004 : 19:28:36
It is S. 1642 Mahavad 7 he lived in Bhutal for allmost 70 Years.
Shrikant the you are right he gaves his Uparana to Shri Girdharji for funeral purpose and entered into Girikandra of Shri Girirajji.
Correct if i am wrong
Jai Shree Krishna
Shree Dwarikadhiski Jai Shree Sri Lalji Pyare Ki Jai Jatin Malkan
Vasant Punjabi
Vice-President & Pushtikul Elite Member - May 2003
1047 Posts
Posted - 04 May 2004 : 02:30:42
Jai Shri Krishna,
Simple question yes He entered into Girikandra of Shri Girirajji but with one of the Ashta Sakha Please name Him???
Mover & Shaker Member
394 Posts
Posted - 04 May 2004 : 05:29:48
jai shree krishna
what do you mean by he entered into the Girikandra of shri Girirajji? does it mean he entered where thakorji was residing? please explain more
thank you very much
Jay Bhatt
Pushtikul Elite Member - February 2004

225 Posts
Posted - 08 May 2004 : 01:40:31
Pushtikul Elite Member - February 2004

225 Posts
Posted - 08 May 2004 : 01:40:45
Vasant Punjabi
Vice-President & Pushtikul Elite Member - May 2003
1047 Posts
Posted - 08 May 2004 : 03:28:40
Jai Shri Krishna,
U are right Bindi
Mover & Shaker Member
394 Posts
Posted - 08 May 2004 : 10:10:38
jai shree krishna
what do you mean by he entered into the Girikandra of shri Girirajji? does it mean he entered where thakorji was residing? please explain more
thank you very much
Jay Bhatt
PRO - / P.E.M. January 2004
1853 Posts
Posted - 08 May 2004 : 10:52:22
Jai Shree Krishna
On Girirajji, they are supposedly many Kandharas (Cave like openings) where in Thakorji used to perform many leelas, It may be assumed that Gusainji attained nithyaleela by entering one such Girikandhara (These may have even been mystical openings too, which one, where it is today etc. does not have any answer). We all know that Shree Girirajji in it self is an Aloukik Roop, where in too many he has given darshan in different forms and continous to do so.
Shree Vallabha dheesh ki jai
Mover & Shaker Member
394 Posts
Posted - 08 May 2004 : 13:00:08
jai shree krishna
thank you very much
Jay Bhatt