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 Shri Mahaprabhuji and Shri Gusaiji
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Entry Level Member

17 Posts
Posted - 04 September 2009 :  08:35:37

I am big confised.

We all know Shri Thakorji expressed his desire to take birth in the lineage of Shri Yagya Narayan Bhattji when 100 Som-Yagna are completed. Thus Shri Thakorji appeared as Shri Mahaprabhuji, son of Shri Lakshman Bhatthiji.

Second account say, Shri Mahaprabhiji is Mukhya Swaminiji of Lord Krishna. So how can Shri Mahaprabhuji who is Avataar of Lord Krishna, also is Shri Swaminiji of Shri Krishna.

Same story hold true for Shri Guisaiji.  

Shri Thakorji expressed His desire to be born with Shri Mahaprabhuji as his father in Pandharpur. Thus Shri Guisaiji is born.

But Shri Guisaiji is also Shri Chandravaliji.

I know these are the Leela Swarup of Shri Mahaprabhuji and Shri Gusaiji. But then are these Leela Swarup are desires of Lord Krishna?

I am confused.

Please explain.

Edited by - Deepak_Shah on 04 September 2009 08:40:27

Entry Level Member

19 Posts
Posted - 18 November 2009 :  18:23:31

Jai shri Krishna to all vaishna


 Shri mahaprabhuji and Shri swaminiji banee prem ane prabhuta thi sabhar che,  atle shri vallabh

prem ane prabhuta pragat dekhadya che.  (aa rite banee samaan che)


Shri Gusainji ane Chandrawaliji no bhaav che,,,,,,,banee  bhog ane shringaar thi sabhar che

atle shri Gusainji  bhog ane shringaar ne pradhantya aapi che..(aa reete bane samaan che.)


HOPE  I HAVE CLEAR YOUR DOUBTS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,as I CANT express my explanation ,it might make u more

confused therefore trid to explain in few words.)

Jai Shri Krishna



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Mover & Shaker Member

381 Posts
Posted - 18 November 2009 :  23:42:11
Jai Shri Krishna

nicely explained by srideviji above... If i may add further as per my limited understanding. and i would like to request everyone to correct any mistakes and improve my understanding

Thakorji is not bound by any materialistic limitations, so the laws governing us don't apply to Him.

When you say "
But then are these Leela Swarup are desires of Lord Krishna?"

- the word "desire" does not apply here. They are all swaroops which came from either Shri Thakorji or Shri Swaminiji. Anytime when Thakorji appears on bhootal for special purpose (like He did as Shri Mahaprabhuji, Shri Gusaiji), He always appears with His full entourage (leela parikar), so along with Shri Mahaprabhuji came all the Vaishnavs (
84 of them are popular) and likewise with Gusainji there were the 252 Vaishnavs and so on. Each of these vaishnavs also have their own leela swaroop (form).

When you say:

"Second account say, Shri Mahaprabhiji is Mukhya Swaminiji of Lord Krishna. So how can Shri Mahaprabhuji who is Avataar of Lord Krishna, also is Shri Swaminiji of Shri Krishna."

Some further clarification can be made from Shri Mahaprabhuji's Dhyan:
"Saundaryam nij-hrd-gatam, prakatitam stree gudh bhavatmakam"

Which goes on to explain that the divine manisfestation of Thakorji feelings for Swaminiji and Swaminiji's
divine manisfestation of the feelings she has for Thakorji combined together which is inside Shri Mahaprabhuji, so Mahaprabhuji is both, Thakorji and Swaminiji - With Shri Swaminiji's bhav He shows us how  one should truly serve Shri Thakorji

Likewise the same goes for Shri Gusainji

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Entry Level Member

17 Posts
Posted - 20 November 2009 :  09:37:14

Jai Shree Krishna,

Thank you very much Srideviji and also thanks to Jagdish Bhai who has always extended his helping hand and have tried to resolved most of my quries.


Very Well explained by Sridevi and Jagdishbhai.


I am alble to understand very well now from Dhyaan Swaroop of Sri Mahaprabhuji that Sri Mahaprabhiji is devine manifestation of Sri Thakorji and Sri Swaminiji.

But I am still not clear with explaination of Sri Guisaiji.

Sri Mahapraji always told Sri Damodardasji that there is no difference between Him and Sri Guisaiji and in fact Sri Guisaiji is Sri Mahaprabhuji but then how  come their Leela Swaroop are different. i.e Sri Guisaiji as Sri Chandravaliji and Sri Mahaprabhuji as Sri Swaminiji.

Sorry need some more explaination.

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Entry Level Member

19 Posts
Posted - 23 November 2009 :  01:17:00

Jai Shri Krishna to all Vaishnavs;

Jai shri Krishna Deepak bhai;

Let me try in another simple words, When Shri Mahaprabhuji came in Bhootal ,he did not came alone,

he came with swaminiji,

As Shri Swaminiji was very attached to shri vallabh was not ready to send him alone in bhootal (as Matru

Bhava) so she requested shri hari ,that she cant live without him and she is very worried about him,if

shri hari gives permmission then would like to stay with him all the time.

So...................... Shri hari,replied,that our shri vallabh will not go alone in bhootal you will be always with 

him throughout.............................

AND i will be there too (as Pitru Bhav) with him, SO WHEN SHRI MAHAPRABHUJIS PRAGATYAS DAY



SO this way shri swaminij is also shri mahaprabhuji karan ke hamensa aapni saathej rahen che.

swaminiji prem  ane prabhuta thi sabhar che tethi shri vallabh pan tenej pradhantya aapi che.





jyare Shri Gusainji nu pragatya thayu,,,,,,tyare shri hari   Shri Chandrawaliji ne aapni saathe rehvan ni

aagyaan aapi,.......Tethi Shringar ane Bhog thi sabhar che.

(Hope ...................i have helped yoy to come over your confusion,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and now you can say Shri

Gusainji as shri chandrawaliji and shri mahaprabhuji as shri swaminiji.)


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