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Junior Member

61 Posts
Posted - 25 March 2010 :  22:20:22
|| Sarvam Krishna Arpanam ||

Jai Shri Krishna !!

Can someone please help me with the list of items that are offered to the Lord as part of the Chapan Bhog? Also, is there any booklet which describes the preparation of these 56 items?

Mover & Shaker Member

381 Posts
Posted - 30 March 2010 :  16:02:25
jai shri krishna,

interesting question.

from my limited understanding one should approach one's shri guruji/ vallabh kul for guidance with this and they should preside over these manoraths.

it would be nice to know all the listing of the samagri for these and it would also be nice to know the bhav with which chappan bhog and kunvaro are done.

Best Wishes

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PRO - Pushtikul.com / P.E.M. January 2004

1853 Posts
Posted - 15 May 2010 :  22:45:41

Jai Shree Krishna

There are 2 bhaavs behind the Chappan bhog manorath.

One is that the Chappan bhog manorath is the feast offered to Shree Thakorji by the people of Barsana to shree Thakorji after the marraige of Shree Thakorji and Shree Swaminiji.

The Other is that Prabhu, while performing the Govardhan leela, held the Govardhan Giri for seven days, all the time that is 8 prahars : 7x8: 56, and the Chappan bhog is offered to Shree Thakorji as an Feast of 56 bhogs, that Shree Thakorji did not have during the Govardhan leela.

In Pushtimarg, the very first time Chappan bhog was offered to Shree Shreenathji, by Shree Gusainji. The primary rreason for such a feast being that the Bhandar, Stores of Shreenathji were filled with all kinds of grains and stock, including Ghee, Tel, etc., keeping in mind that these where offering made by many vaishnavs from nooks and corners of India, Shree Gusainji offered Chappan bhog to Shreeji bawa.

Please Vaishnavs, kindly note that it is unlike the business of Chappan bhog today, were we go about collecting funds for chappan bhog. If one truely wants of offer Chappan bhog to his thakorji, he should do so with his own money and capabalities, not by collecting funds in the name of Chappan bhog.

Why alone Chappan bhog, this holds good for any kind of Manorath.

Shree Dwarakadheesh prabhu was offerd Chappan bhog Manorath. However, Shree Thakorji did not seemed to be thrilled by the idea. When asked the reason by the Gusain balak, Shree Dwarkadheesh prabhu said that he preffered to have his daily dose of Chana, and was not interested in the innumerable samagris offered to him. Such is the leela of Shree Thakorji. Prabhu is least impressed by the size and magnitude of the manoraths, he only looks at the bhaav of his bhakth.

So Vaishnavs, do not get carried away by the magnitude of Manoraths, please do seva of your own Shree Thakorji offering what little or more you can with your own earned money and experience the bliss that Shree Thakorji will shower upon you.

Manorath is what you wish to offer to your Shree Thakorji, not what you see others offer to their Thakorji by collecting funds from one and all. How can such an act be even termed as manorath ?

Apne Ghar mein Shyam, shyam, Haveli ko ram ram.


Edited by - shreekant22 on 15 May 2010 23:04:12

Shree Vallabha dheesh ki jai Go to Top of Page
Entry Level Member

28 Posts
Posted - 04 July 2010 :  23:08:24
Nicely answered Shreekantbhai. Shree Thakorji loved Padmanabhdasji's "chana" rather than the Chappan bhog which clearly means that Shree Thakorji wants our bhav at seva done at home and not elsewhere.

If for some reasons, if one cannot perform seva at home than that jeev should perform naam seva, Bhagavat Katha seva at home, kirtan, archan, paadsevan, naman, other forms of navdha bhakti as prescribed by Shree Mahaprabhuji. Darshan is not listed in navdha Bhakti.

Kindly correct me if I am wrong. Go to Top of Page
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