Mover & Shaker Member
398 Posts
Posted - 21 October 2004 : 22:50:20
The Begining:The Nav-Villas has a lovely history that has facinated me personally a lot and I have extensively involved in its background and also in its devotional practice. When reasearching about Nav-villas, it was very clear that this villas was instigated by Shree Krishna in order to make Gopies ashray ananiya. Shree Hariraiji Prabhucharan has really made the difference, as his diary and the padas on Nav-villas has been our initiation to this lovely villas. Nav-villas has changed a lot since Shree Hariraiji's time and it has taken few modern concept, for better or worse, over the era. Nav-Villas is set in Aso-sud Ekam till Aso-sud Noom and it more or less coinsides with Navratri Norta Utsava. In Nav-Villas,we are told that there were nine different categories (Prakaar) of Bhakta who instigated this villas with different samagree Bhog, variety of shringaar and vastra dharan and also did affectionate-play (Ramanleela) and invited Lord Krishna and showered Him with "Tan, maan and Dhaan" seva. It was also during the first day of Nav-villas Vraj-kumarikas (Shree Radha Sahcharijina Uthani Gopio) also started a Jawara growing, the "Jawara" are symbol of expectation of Virgin Kaniya's anticipation to acquire husband who insatiabaly has Lord Krishna's quality. So in Pushti marag, "Jawara" in a symbol of "UDIPAAN" bhava by kumarikas and willed a husband like Kanudo (Shree Krishna). This tradition is always been followed, even today vaishnava observe to grow "Jawara" (some vaishnava pronouces as "ZAWARA"), on first villas (Pratham Villas). Apart from Jawara, it has also became a tradition that on first day of Nav-villas, vaishnavas when doing Shringar to "Nij Thakorji" show bigger mirror (Moti Arasi). The reason behind this big mirror will be very clear by the following prasang: On pratham villas, everyone wanted to take part to do Shringaar to thakorji and as they did shringaar they had small mirror and showed thakorji that part of shringar which was done by them. So in the end Thakorji insisted that he wanted to see Nakh-sheek Shringar, hense requested a bigger mirror. All the sakhis were in predicament as they were in jungle and did not have bigger mirror. Although Chandravali tried to put all the mirrors together to make it full-skape mirror but, Thakorji did not approve it by saying that this is not making any justice to shringaar darshan he is seeking. All sakies were back to drawing board, got together and decided the nearby water hole will be a good replacement. They went to see Lord Krishna and with humble face, did request (vinanti) Krishna to come to Jal-dhara (water-hole).
This also was not satisfactory solution as the Jaal (water) was muddy and mucky so Lord's reflection in the water was hazy and not clearly to His liking. Whilst Shree Thakorji was looking at his reflection in the water, Chandravaliji took shelter on shila (rock) at the edge of water hole. This was where she thought was the ideal place to observe thakorji's Shringaar darsan. As she stood on the rock her upvastra got hooked on a tree branch which was adjucent to the rock. She tried to unhook the upvastra and in doing so slipped and fell into Dhara and torn her upvastra completely. The whole torn vastra was hooked onto the branch and she fell without upvastra. With shyness in her voice and turning her back so she could control her ebarassment, she called out for something to cover her. One of the sakhi leapt forward with chundadi, but Shree Thakorji stopped her and said , "Look I can almost see my reflection on to Chandravali's pethika ". Meaning that Chandravali's back was so shinny and reflected Thakorji's swaroop on her back like a huge mirror. All sakhi then realized how tall Chandravaliji was and how rflective her skin was. It was Lalitaji who sugested that Chandravaliji should stay in that position and let Thakorji use her taan as a mirror to do swayam darshan of his Shringaar. After this prasang, in villas a huge mirror was made available by Shree Swaminiji for Thakorji to admire the Shringaar. So Vaishnava use bigger mirror for Shringar during villas. Ah...em... now to Nav-villas. As i mentioned earlier, there were nine prakar of Gopies and these were not common sakhies, they were mahan bhakta who in their previous life were "Rushimunies", "Veda Shruti"and "Golook Dhaam Bhakta of Nitya Sidh Mandal". And hense thakorji revealed his complete Rasa-Swaroop in front of these sakhies. The nine prakar of sakhies are: 1...Rajus
2...Rajus Tamus
3...Rajus Satwik
5...Tamus Rajus
6...Tamus Satwik
8...Satwik Rajus
9...Satwik Tamus Next posting will be of pratham villas and how it was started and its prominancy in Pushti marag. Daso no das
Pushtidas Dasa no das
PRO - / P.E.M. January 2004
1853 Posts
Posted - 22 October 2004 : 15:42:44
Jai Shree Krishna
Well explained Pushtidasji, the Mirror leels is really a good one. Awaiting your next post on the Nav-vilas.
Shree Vallabha dheesh ki jai
Entry Level Member
10 Posts
Posted - 23 October 2004 : 19:10:01
beautifully discribed lila, loved reading it n cant wait to read more, on krishna n his leelas...plz do post more
Mover & Shaker Member
398 Posts
Posted - 23 October 2004 : 21:51:02
Edited by - pushtidas on October 31 2004 02:07:39
Edited by - pushtidas on October 31 2004 02:12:22
Dasa no das
PRO - / P.E.M. January 2004
1853 Posts
Posted - 23 October 2004 : 22:20:09
Jai Shree Krishna
Good work Pushtidasji, i now understood your dwividha, how your with properly and selectively chosen words, you have very effectively presented a very delicate prasang.
Shree Vallabha dheesh ki jai
Entry Level Member
12 Posts
Posted - 24 October 2004 : 05:28:14
Jai Shree Krishna Pushtidasji
I agree with Shreekantbhi. Beautifully described. Awaiting the next posting.
Mover & Shaker Member
398 Posts
Posted - 26 October 2004 : 21:49:34
Jai Shree Krishna
Thanks for the kind words Shreekantji and Nirupaji. I am also encouraged by Nishaji who has been quietly doing satsang since November 2003, and only broke her silence on 23 Oct 2004.
This makes me a very happy and I am encouraged to write further.
Inaxiji, as Vinodbhai revealed that I was away for three days and only came back today and here I am posting to wet your Bhagvaad apitite.
Daso no das
Dasa no das
Posted - 26 October 2004 : 23:28:01
Jai shree krishna to all vallabhi vaisnavs,
Pustidasji i agree with all the above people that you have explained the bhavna of the vilas so greatly. Awaiting the rest eagerly.
Jsk, Hitesh
Mover & Shaker Member
398 Posts
Posted - 27 October 2004 : 02:55:49
The third Episode of Nav-Villas
Now before we go any further we should look into the background of Vranda Devi.
This prasang is also very well described in a pustak tittled "Atha Purnmasiji ki Varta". This was a hastlikhit, that is, hand-written praat and very badly smudged papers and is difficult to read the writers name. But the Vallabhkul Balak thinks it is written by Shree Hariraiji Prabhucharan.
Anyway, Vranda Devi is also well known as Tulsiji and it was Purnmasiji who introduced Vranda Devi Seva to Radhaji and rest of sakhi.
Sandipani Rushi's mother left Ujjain to reside in Vrandavan so she could do Shree Krishna's Nitya Leela in the vicinity. Her name was Purnmasiji. With her relative whose name was Madhumangal. This Madhumangal also became a close Sakha of Shree Krishna and Yasodaji always showered Madhumangal with love and because Purnamasiji was
Shree Krishna's Guru Mata, Yasodaji employed a well astute bhramin lady called Nandimukhi to look after Purnamasiji, she always did "Tahel" and made her stay in Vrandavaan a comfort.
It was on a Spring (Vasant Rutu) season, every one came to Vrandavaan from different parts of India. Some came to see Vrandavan's natural beauty (Varandavan ki Shobha), some came to do "SADHAN", rituals like Jaap, Havan, Gungaan and this way all were involved in doing sadhan to rejoice Vasant and also do Shree Krishna's darshan. This way everyone was involved in NAVDHA bhakti sadhan.
Purnmasaji thought that in this lovely season of Vasant, if I get a Chance to to Bhagvad darshan of ugal leela it would be a lovely blessings. To set up the scene for such bhava she called Nandimukhi Brahminbaiji and said we should really count ourself blessed if we witnessed the Yugal swaroop Vihar bhav in vrandavaan. Why don't you go to Vrashbhanpura and speak to Lalita-Vishakhaji. These sakhies are very closed to Radhaji. Tell them to bring Radhaji to Madhuvaan and let her look at Shree Krishna's sundar Mukharvind, and I am sure once Radhaji sees Shree Krishna, she will be ever smitten.And we will, this way, have Yugal swaroop bhav vihar darsan. And we all will also have anubhava of Krishna Yugal leela.
Nandmukhi went to Barsana and passed the message and return to Vrandavaan. Here in Vrandavaan Yasodaji was told by Nandji's main Gope," Mayi.. look here, Krishan is no longer small boy we should look out for "Badai Gope ki beti" and get him married.
To this Yasodaji replied," Now listen to me, my little Kishan still has that fresh smell of mums milk in his mouth (mukh) and that milk has not even dried yet from his Mukharvind and you want to marry him?"
To this Madhumangal also said," See what Yasodaji said is also being witnessed by all the trees and greeneries, Kishan is still a baby". and Madhumangal started laughing. Shree Krishna was embarrased by this.
He kept quiet till Yasodaji left the vaan, then Krishna faced his sakhas and said,"Madhumangal only said this in front of my mother,he lied to be in her nice book. Actually I am now a mature boy, I mean a man."
All His friends, Subal, Shreedama, Tauk, Rushbha, Bhoj and many other friends agreed with Shree Krishna and scolded Madhumangal. Madhumangal explained that if I had not said what I said, then Yasodaji would have come to vaan with us and we would have a miserable time.
Then Shree Krishna looked at Dauvji and said,"Daubhaiya, see all these trees, they are my witness and they will tell everyone the truth."
At this all the trees on their path to Madhuvaan, bowed to Krishna and said, " Shree Krishna, we bow to thee, here are fal-ful (flowers and fruits) in your lotus feet and if we were human, we would be blessesd to come and look after all cow-herds and listen to your bansiji, for us you are the only man in Vrandavaan."
To this Baldevji said,"Aho Bhaiya, all Vrandavaan Trees and greeneries are always with you, even in Raasmandal they always been with you and if anyone sits under these Vrandavaan trees they will be able to fulfil their manorath with your blessings."
Then Madhumangal said,"Man, by looking at your Krupa and sunder mukh will not fulfil my empty stomach, I'm hungry, aray humto shree Yasodajiki Rasoi Dekhay sukh pavat hai."
At that time Purnmasiji appeared with a karandiyo of Ladoo. She offered the ladu to Krishna and said," O Krishna, take this laddu, this laddu is specially prepared by Shree Radhaji's grandmother Mukhraji for you, so please take them."
Shree Krishna asked,"May I ask what is the pransang and why these laddus?"
Purnmasiji smiled and replied,"Aho Kanayalalji, the daughter of Kirtidevi, whose name is Radhaji,is being enggaged to Abhimaniyu, the son of Jatila. So everybody in Barsana are rejoicing and this laddu is of that utsava." (Note: this sentence is very well written in vrajbahsa in the pustak and I can't resist in putting it here, it is the flow of the language which facinates me, I hope you will understand this as soon as you read,. Here we go:
Kirtidevki beti shree Radhaji ko naam hai so unako maang bhayo hai. Jatila ke beta Abhimaniyu so mangaat hai. Tatai Barsanaimai maha utsava hai.
To this Krishna smiled and said,"Mataji you are our Pujiya and with your blessing all my manoraths will be successful."
Puranmasiji understood what Thakorji was hinting. She smiled and with a naughty gesture answered," Aho Rasikraiyuju,the Vasant season is upon us and all Vrandavaan beauties have gathered together and these sakhis will soon invade your territory to pluck flowers from Vaan."
Krishna bowed and with very soft voice, so no one can hear him except Puranmasiji, " Aap badai wo hai, maan ki baat jaan lee rai." And without waiting for reply quickly turned towards Baldevji and asked him to take Ladu-Mathaniya (Basketfull of laddus) to Yamnaji's pavitra banks and pick up a teer-vad tree and sit under its cover and give the laddus to all sakhas. So all sakhas went for Chaak-utsava bhojan and Shree Krishna asked his nearest and dearest sakha Shreedama.
"I really want to go to Bansibaat and look for Radha, Shreedama." and then he started flickering murli arround his beautiful lady-finger like sukomal fingers and addressed Subal,"Aray Subal have you ever seen Radhaji? Is she beautiful?"
Shreedama said,"Oh Gopal, you really are in darkness. Radhaji is Subal's cousin, she is his uncle's (KAKA) daughter."
Then Thakorji sang a pad which goes this way:
Main hun Radhaki unhaari Subalko dekhat ho |
Subalko Maan Bahir Uggo ||
Then Krishna went to Kunj and started Bansi-sur in 36 Raaga/Raagini and this madhur raga/sur were heard in Barsana by Radhaji and she asked all her sakhi to accompany her to go to kunj and pluck some "GUNJA" and "Gunja flowers.
Now the real leela of Pratham milan of Radha Krishna starts. I will post this tomorrow. (I am still on Nav-villas subject, you will see the conection after next two postings)
If anyone wants to post on Nav-villas please do so, I believe Bindiji wants to post. Please go ahead, I love to see new postings and would definately learn from all vaishnavas.
Daso no das
Edited by - pushtidas on October 27 2004 04:57:23
Dasa no das
Vasant Punjabi
Vice-President & Pushtikul Elite Member - May 2003
1047 Posts
Posted - 27 October 2004 : 03:19:28
Jai Shri Krishna,
Pushtidasbhai thank you for your nice prasangs which are of great knowledge to all at pushtikul.
Bindhiben has also offered to help will also appreciate if you keep posting information on upcoming utsavs/manoraths with ofcourse every one should help including myself and make this site the best.
Please keep us posted more on Nav Villas too.
PRO - / P.E.M. January 2004
1853 Posts
Posted - 27 October 2004 : 03:46:16
Jai Shree Krishna
Pushtidasji, Yeh leelao ko prasang ati sundar, moko to abh yaako padan ki vyakulatha bhai hai, jitne jaladi aap prasang ko aage badhao, utno aacho.
Asl oto briefly add, Shree Thakorjis sakha Madhumangal is the sakha the Chaak leela fame. Who hid his Khatta dhai from shree thakorji, feeling outplace among the various uttam samagris presented by other sakhas. However, Shree thakorji while complaining to all otehr sakhas that all there samagris where good, complained of something missing in them. When he found madhumangal eating teh khatta dhai all be himself, he forcefully took i and tasted it and exclaimed that the something missing in all other samagris was there in madhumangals dhai, the Prem bhav. this led to the sakhas wanting to tate it and shree Thakaorji himself distributed it to all his sakhas.
Sorry for the deviation, just thought this is the ideal palce to mention this leela too.
Shree Vallabha dheesh ki jai