Posted - 23 October 2004 : 22:43:01
Jai Shree Krishna
Of all the Krishna leelas described in Shreemadbhagwat which of them do not belong to the saraswat kalp, who pointed this out and what is the justification ?
Posted - 23 October 2004 : 23:51:19
Jai Shree Krishna
Simply put, Saraswat kalp refers to that period of Dwapar yuga when Shree Thakorji took Krishna avtaar.
Vice-President & Pushtikul Elite Member - May 2003
1047 Posts
Posted - 24 October 2004 : 01:59:20
Jai Shri Krishna,
Shreekantbhai your question needs more explanation as in Shrimad Bhagwad most of the lilas which are descriped in chaper one to eight did not take place in Dwapar yuga.
Posted - 24 October 2004 : 12:20:03
Jai Shree Krishna
Vasant bhai, My question i thought was clear as it mentioned Krishna leelas = Krishna avtaar = 10 skand