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Surdasji s Kirtan
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Added on: 31 July 2002
Author: n/a
Posted by: Vasant Punjabi
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hamare hari haaril ki lakari, maan vachan karma Nannadan ko

dridh kare ura pakari, jagat sovat sapane sau

kaan kaan jakari, suant yog laagat aeso ali - jyo karavi kakari

yah to sur teen hi ko dije, jin ko man chakari - Written By Surdasji

This is the occasion when Udhouvaji was sent to Gopijan in Shrimad Gokul (by Shri Krishna when he was in Mathura). Udhouvaji was to give Shri Krishna's message along with some advise to the Gopijans. Also small lesson to teach Gopijan so they not "miss" Shri Krishna. Udhouvaji was very proud of his "gyan" where as Gopigan were were innocent.

So There is a bird name Haaril in India - it picks up a stick with his both feet right after his birth - once it takes it -it will keep it all the time - sleep, fly, day and night - when it dies - the small stick is still not dropped - Gopis were telling Udhouvji that our love is like this - Your education of keeping the staydy mind (part of Yoga - etc) is not our way - All we know is that - "We are His and He is ours." Whether he remembers us or not - we will keep him (his love) with us all the time.

This is the Dradh Vishwas - deep faith. Gopijan tells Udhovaji - please Give your explanations to someone whose MAAN (mind) is not clear - we know our MAAN is with ONE and ONLY - "SHRI KRISHNA" and IT IS THERE ALL THE TIME. Only thing we know that our "prembhakti" and our love is toward Shri Krishna at any time and anywhere.

Comments: 9 Comment(s)

By admin
31 July 2002
Keep it up Vasantbhai. The Articles are really good. Vaishnavs would surely love and appreciate it.
By vna
01 August 2002
The article is really good,but it would be better if it had a translation of the pad. JAI SHRI KRISHNA
By jatin
11 February 2003
Dear Vasant,

This is the good article and i would like to suggest one book for you is Gopi Geet by P.P. G Shri Dwarkeshlalji Mahodaya(Kandivali) you read this book you will enjoy it

Jai Shree Krishna

By ojhaak
11 March 2003
Excelent. In nutshell, describes and mean that this only one theme is picked ,one need not do anything other than adhare picking up stick upto the end of life i.e. naam smaran / seva
By gurudas
20 January 2006
Superb.... I think, thru this article u told us the whole meaning of pustimarg & the duties of vaishnav
By nina@pushtikul.com
09 February 2006
Dear vasantbhai, jai shri krishna. this translation helps the other vaishnav like us to understand the meaning of the kirtan and that will develop more bhava in kirtans.
By Kailash Chandra Rathore
20 June 2007
Ham prbhu ke brbhuji hamare hum vaisnavjan ke man ka bhi yahi bhav hona chahiye.Jai Shri Krishna
By santosh
29 July 2007
excellent in short this is only sar which gopijan said in pustimarg
By Atul P Bhuta
20 March 2008
JSK. The topic covers an epic containing pride of a Gyani & the simple replies by the aggrieved Gopijans. Ordinarily, it would take pages to explain. This is indeed a very short n sweet article, wherein every aspect of discussion among Gopijans & Uddhavji is included & the cream of the outcome is also given. It means the entire epic in a few words. Very Good.

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